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Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Bastian Märkisch

Bild von Prof. Bastian Märkisch
+49 89 289-14485
Page in TUMonline
Particle Physics at Low Energies
Job Title
Professorship on Particle Physics at Low Energies

Courses and Dates

Title and Module Assignment
Experimental Physics 4
eLearning course
Assigned to modules:
VO 4 Märkisch, B. Tue, 08:30–10:00, MI HS1
Thu, 14:15–16:00, MI HS1
Reactor Physics 2 and New Concepts in Nuclear Technology
eLearning course
Assigned to modules:
VO 2 Märkisch, B.
Assisstants: Reiter, C.
Fri, 08:30–10:00, PH HS3
Seminar on neutrons in research and industry
current information
Assigned to modules:
PS 2 Märkisch, B. Morkel, C. Müller-Buschbaum, P.
Assisstants: Hayward, D.Park, J.
Mon, 14:30–16:00, PH HS3
Exercise to Reactor Physics 2 and New Concepts in Nuclear Technology
eLearning course
Assigned to modules:
UE 2 Reiter, C.
Responsible/Coordination: Märkisch, B.
dates in groups
Open Tutorial to Experimental Physics 4
Assigned to modules:
UE 2 Höffer von Loewenfeld, P. Maier, T.
Responsible/Coordination: Märkisch, B.
Mon, 10:00–12:00, MW 1050
Mon, 10:00–12:00, MW 2235
and singular or moved dates
Exercise to Experimental Physics 4
eLearning course
Assigned to modules:
UE 2 Maier, T.
Responsible/Coordination: Märkisch, B.
dates in groups
Field Trip to the Fission Power Plant ISAR2 (Ohu)
This course is not assigned to a module.
EX 0.5 Märkisch, B. Reiter, C. singular or moved dates
Discussion Session on the Munich Physics Colloquium
Assigned to modules:
SE 2 Finley, J. Märkisch, B. Mon, 16:00–17:00, PH 3268
Mentoring in the Bachelor’s Program Physics
Assigned to modules:
KO 0.2 Märkisch, B.
Munich Physics Colloquium
current information
Assigned to modules:
KO 2 Finley, J. Märkisch, B. Mon, 17:15–19:15, PH HS2
Mon, 17:15–19:15, LMU H030
Revision Course to Seminar on Neutrons in Research and Industry
Assigned to modules:
RE 2
Responsible/Coordination: Märkisch, B.
Seminar on Current Topics in Particle Physics
course documents
Assigned to modules:
SE 2 Märkisch, B. Paul, S. Thu, 09:30–11:00, PH 3268
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