This website is no longer updated.

As of 1.10.2022, the Faculty of Physics has been merged into the TUM School of Natural Sciences with the website For more information read Conversion of Websites.

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Using this internal search engine you can find pages within the website of the Physics Department as well as pages from the research group's homepages and other websites from the Physics environment.

Search Parameters

You are not logged in. If you have a valid TUM ID and login search results from restricted pages are shown as well.

Remarks on the Search

This search engine includes all pages on this server (range: as well as selected pages from the environment of the Physics Department (range: Physics Department and Environment). We especially count homepages of working groups, of the central research institutes WSI and FRM II, and of the Excellence Clusters to our environment. The index is operated by the Physics Department your search request is not processed by third parties.

Please keep in mind that pages with restricted access are suppressed in the search hits if you are not logged in.

If your webpage is from the environment of the Physics Department and should be included in the index please contact

Other directories

Are you looking for a person, teaching offers like courses, a room or a research group? The respective directory is probably the fastest way to find it:

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